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All Chefs For Seniors locations across the US are independently owned and operated. When you choose Chefs For Seniors, you are supporting small business owners in your local community.
Unlike health insurance plans, long-term care insurance is intended to cover long-term services and support including home support services and/or assisted living/nursing home facilities.
Chefs For Seniors has worked with long-term care insurance plans for years, as many plans do provide reimbursement for home support services if the client is deemed to be in need of meals as an ADL. Historically, long-term care plans do not reimburse clients for groceries and the service fee is reimbursed anywhere from 25%-100% of the fee.
For more information about long term care insurance, we encourage you to visit the following websites:
If you’re currently an LTC insurance policyholder, contact your plan to see if you are eligible to receive a meals and/or home support services benefit like Chefs For Seniors.
Or, through our partnership with Family Solutions For Care, the nation’s largest and most experienced consumer advocate for long-term care insurance claims, we are able to offer you a free expert policy review to understand your eligibility and likelihood of payment of your LTCi benefits.
In April of 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) finalized updates to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans to maximize competition and coverage. These updates allowed for MA plans to offer supplemental benefits not covered under Original Medicare as long as said benefits reduce hospital readmissions and have known preventative health benefits. Additional benefits under some plans do include meal services.
While CMS gave MA plans permission to add supplemental benefits like meals in 2019, most (90%+) of the 1000’s of plans have not chosen to add meals or home support services as a covered benefit yet. Plus, most of the plans that currently cover meals will only provide a limited number of meals post-discharge from the hospital (ex: 10 frozen entrees). Some plans will contract with a specific vendor (like GA Foods), while others seem to leave the door open to working with a variety of vendors.
If you’re currently a Medicare Advantage recipient, contact your plan to see if you are eligible to receive a meals benefit.
To help you understand you or your loved one’s ability to finance Chefs For Seniors, we offer free consultations over the phone and at your home.
If you’re interested in more information about how Chefs For Seniors can help your elderly loved ones, contact your nearest Chefs For Seniors office by clicking HERE.